Wednesday 18 August 2010

Reviewed By You:Favorite Igloo

Hey Penguins!
You know what happens when it is Wednesday?It's Reviewed By You!Wohoo!Last week the Club Penguin Team asked you "What is your favorite kind of Igloo?"Well,this is what bluetrue2006 said:
My favorite igloo is the igloo with a yard! Where else would I put all my plants? It looks great and is fun. I use it for a beautiful garden, or sometimes an outdoor party. I think it is the best igloo! Me and my buddies love to hang out in my garden and look at all the flowers around us. Thanks for making it CP!! Waddle On!! :)

Also the Club Penguin Team made a mistake of saying about us posting about the Haiti.They after this said .Thats weird...but anyway this weeks question is."What you've done to make a difference in your community?"

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