Wednesday 18 August 2010

Adopt up to 18 Puffles!

Hey Penguins!
Today I just was looking around as always,for some updates and guess what I found!In Puffle Catalog on the second page of first page it says Members could actually now adopt up to 18 Puffles!Look at the image below for proof...this is not an edit check it out yourself,and it was always 16.Check out stamps and you'll have proof.
Well,I think this is better than 16.Some penguins really love more puffles...but does this mean there will be a new puffle color coming?Well,time will tell us.
Comment what you think about this Club Penguin update...

1 comment:

  1. Cool but this was up here for a bit. The reason it's 18 is because they added the white and orange puffles. If you count them there are 18. There will be more puffles soon.
