Wednesday 25 August 2010

Reviewed By You:Community

Hey Penguins!
CP released new Reviewed by you like always!Last week the Club Penguin Team wanted to hear about how you help others to make the community happy.Over to you  Reenabean98:

I love to help make a difference. My favorite way to help is by growing my hair! When my hair is 10 inches longs, I braid it and send it to Locks of Love, and they make it into a wig for people with cancer. It gives me a new look and I feel great that I did something good for someone else!

It's so amazing to hear about everything you guys do to help out. Be sure to check back tomorrow to vote on the Top 4 Art for Haiti pictures!!

Aug. 24 Blog Image.jpg

Well,this week Club Penguin Team asked you to tell them about "What your looking most forward to on the Fair"Well,I think the circus if it comes,or rockhopper.So then we will get a stamp.

Thats great Reviewed by you!

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