Thursday 23 September 2010

I'm back

Hey Every penguin!
This is really quick just to announce I'm back posting.

I'm going to post about WW and CP.

A.K.A. Tomironi123

Thursday 26 August 2010

Club Penguin Issue #254

Hey Penguins!
Today the new Club Penguin Times where released!It includes some help how to make The Fair successful.Lets see the cover...
Well,It also includes that Rockhopper is coming for the Fair.Which means...Stamp!We could earn out first stamp!Which is great!
From 27th August we will be all able to save our club penguin igloos!wohooo!

Also the fair will start on 3rd of september,and end on 12th.

Also the finalists of Haiti Project have been released.

Those are:Bella Stars, Cadogs, Mochileiro 7,Mickey1216
Well I really like them!What about you?
Comment your thoughts!

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Wiglington and Wenks:Batty Barry is missing!

Hey Travellers!
Today really bad news came to Wiglington Town!Batty Barry is missing!He was always with his older nephew Fruba near the STC Enlistment Booth,today he was gone!That's weird...look!
Well,then I took action and first looked where the STC Enlisment Booth was.And guess what I found,Bunch Of Apples!
Then I searched everywhere for apples to see if it's a clue,and I found some in Amazon.Take a look...

Thats weird...well,comment if you found some clues and if you think Count shall fail again!
~Tomironi123 A.K.A. Tomasz777~

Reviewed By You:Community

Hey Penguins!
CP released new Reviewed by you like always!Last week the Club Penguin Team wanted to hear about how you help others to make the community happy.Over to you  Reenabean98:

I love to help make a difference. My favorite way to help is by growing my hair! When my hair is 10 inches longs, I braid it and send it to Locks of Love, and they make it into a wig for people with cancer. It gives me a new look and I feel great that I did something good for someone else!

It's so amazing to hear about everything you guys do to help out. Be sure to check back tomorrow to vote on the Top 4 Art for Haiti pictures!!

Aug. 24 Blog Image.jpg

Well,this week Club Penguin Team asked you to tell them about "What your looking most forward to on the Fair"Well,I think the circus if it comes,or rockhopper.So then we will get a stamp.

Thats great Reviewed by you!

Tuesday 24 August 2010

New EPF Command Room Screen

Hey penguins! If you've been to the command room lately you would of noticed that the screen has changed! From now on when you click on it it changes picture. You click on the Elite Penguin Force on it and it changes to an island, then that changes to what looks like its being diconnected. When you click again it changes to two penguins having a chat, which changes to a bonfire. Then the bonfire changes to two penguins doing sled racing, which changes back to the starting screen.
~ Posted by Poppy888888 (sticky)

Field Op #11 and New Elite Gear

Hey Penguins!
New Elite Gear at last!And lets see cheats for Field Ops:
1.Go to the EPF Command Room!
2.Then accept the message that Gary Tells!
3.Go to the lighthouse!
4.Walk up to the speaker!
5.Complete by matching the shapes!

Well done,also new Elite Gear:Tactical...Suprise.Some penguins may not wish that I show them so I won't this time.

Sunday 22 August 2010

Meeting Screenhog

Hey Penguins!
Best day of my life and I think of some others too yesterday!SCREENHOG VISITED THE SNOW COVERED ISLAND!It was his birthday.On twitter he said over 500 penguins came to visit him on server North Pole!Lets see some of the pictures:
Jam came on!Lebron JR 23 too!DQ!CENA!ME!XD.And Screenhog's igloo!

Trying to get in to the Dance Lounge to meet Screenhog!
Rsnail or fake?I think fake...

Well,no one believed that.Anyway that was the best day!

In Other News:I'm creating a Wiglington And Wenks Blog.Get ready!


Saturday 21 August 2010

2 Year Old Birthday Party Review!

Hey Penguins!
As you might have knowned I was 2 year old on Club Penguin yesterday!And the party was great,not many people came but we had soo much fun!So lets see the pictures...

Arceus4353 Igloo


LizardMonkey Igloo(RARE MUSIC)

WaterBoy76 Igloo

Swimming in the pool!Or Sea!

                                                                           In the Attic!(BRRRR)

Wowz that was great!Did you enjoy it?Comment and let me know!


Friday 20 August 2010

Art for Haiti Submissions is Open

Hey Penguins!
It arrived!The time when Art For Haiti submissions can finally be sent over to Club Penguin Team.The best part is (NO SQUIDZOIDS ALLOWED!) :)

Click This!If you don't know what Art For Haiti is.
Also if you don't remember the rules and instructions,read the Dos/Donts:

Dos:Draw between two and four penguins playing together. Draw the picture taking place outdoors. Draw penguins with only one or two simple items. Like hats and scarves! Try to use five colors or less. Use any art style you like! Pencils, pens and paints are great!


Include any personal information (like an address). Use too many words. Use anyone else’s pictures. Draw large or complicated items. (No Squidzoids!)

And!The instruction are:
  1. Draw a picture of your penguin playing with friends. Make sure to follow the Dos and Don'ts below
  2. Use the art submission form to upload your artwork. Don't forget your penguin's name
  3. Keep checking the What's New blog. We'll be selecting the Top 4 submissions, and everyone will vote for their favorite.
Seems easy peasy lemon squeezy.It ain't!Are you submitting your art for children in Haiti to enjoy?I might!Comment what you think!


TootsVille Great Giveaway

Hey Toots!
Lol,this will be also shared with lots of other new stuff happening on Tootsville!But also it will be with Wiglington And Wenks.So its triple!Wohoo!Tootsville now gives us a chance to win a Nintendo Wii!You can win more prizes,but that's the main prize.
Here is the guide how to win a Nintendo Wii or any other awesome prizes:

1.You need to make a new account on Tootsville between now and October 31st 2010!
2.Confirm you want to win a Nintendo Wii

Well done!Your now in for the special giveaway.Oh,and its "It's We Care Days" soon!I love those.Also a new quest with a shadow called Smudge.Exciting!I can't wait for all this updates tootsville gave us!Good Luck on winning Wii!

Click here to have a chance to win awesome prizes and to sign up for Tootsville!

Club Penguin New Updates

Hey Penguins!
Club Penguin has at last released some more updates!And all the new stuff are awesome!Check out the full guide to new updates on Club Penguin.

Newspaper Issue #253
Alright lets see the first page.
That looks exciting.Lets see the events Club Penguin has in store for us.

  • August 27th-Squidzoid vs. Shadow Guy & Gamma Gal
  • September 3rd-The new Penguin Style Catalog
  • September 3rd-The Fair
The Fair?Great!Except when Rockhopper first came here it was called Fall Fair from 2007.Then in 2009 it was renamed to The Fair.I am pretty excited by the prizes for non-members and members.Hope you are too!
New Login Screen-Animated!
Hey!First time ever Club Penguin has released a Animated Login Screen!It shows about your igloo.
There are three different themes but I'll show you my favorite!
I really love them and these ones are the best ever and they have few more not only green...                                                                                                            
New Postcards
Club Penguin released really small amount of new postcards this time.

Campfire Story,Thank you and Check Out My Igloo are great new postcards to show your friends you really like them...and community.Espacially the "Thank You" postcard.
2010 August Igloo Music
Club Penguin has released the new Igloo Music for us to enjoy!
I put "You Rock!" one in my igloo.I love it!What about you?
August/September 2010 Upgrade Igloos Cheats
At last new Upgrade Igloo Catalog!With a new igloo called "Cozy Cottage" its super great!I now put it as mine.

Secret Stone Igloo:
1.Go to 2nd Page
2.Click on the crowbar

Pumpkin Igloo:
1.Go to 3rd Page
2.Click on any of the lights at the top of the Gym Igloo

Bamboo Hut:
1.Go to 4th Page
2.Go and click word "Fish" in "Fish Bowl"

Pink Ice Palace:
1.Go to 5th Page
2.Click the front door of the Ice Palace

Secret Deluxe Stone Igloo
1.Go to 8th Page
2.Click on the front door of the Deluxe Stone Igloo

Well,thats all for this cheats.Its not much but why Pumpkin Igloo?It's not Halloween yet?Weird.
2010 August/September Better Igloos Cheats
These are all the new stuff...

This rules!I have some already!I think after clothes they went on furniture.Sweet!
Climbing Wall:
1.Go to 2nd Page
2.Click on the Modern Art top so you can collect it

Well,thats all!What do you think of all of this!Comment and share it with Community!

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Reviewed By You:Favorite Igloo

Hey Penguins!
You know what happens when it is Wednesday?It's Reviewed By You!Wohoo!Last week the Club Penguin Team asked you "What is your favorite kind of Igloo?"Well,this is what bluetrue2006 said:
My favorite igloo is the igloo with a yard! Where else would I put all my plants? It looks great and is fun. I use it for a beautiful garden, or sometimes an outdoor party. I think it is the best igloo! Me and my buddies love to hang out in my garden and look at all the flowers around us. Thanks for making it CP!! Waddle On!! :)

Also the Club Penguin Team made a mistake of saying about us posting about the Haiti.They after this said .Thats weird...but anyway this weeks question is."What you've done to make a difference in your community?"

Adopt up to 18 Puffles!

Hey Penguins!
Today I just was looking around as always,for some updates and guess what I found!In Puffle Catalog on the second page of first page it says Members could actually now adopt up to 18 Puffles!Look at the image below for proof...this is not an edit check it out yourself,and it was always 16.Check out stamps and you'll have proof.
Well,I think this is better than 16.Some penguins really love more puffles...but does this mean there will be a new puffle color coming?Well,time will tell us.
Comment what you think about this Club Penguin update...

Sunday 15 August 2010

My 2nd Club Penguin Birthday Party!

I'm back without being busy...I waited for that moment to tell you we are gonna have an official party!I'm going to be 2 years old in Club Penguin in 5 days!The time goes really quick.So I organised a party!Details below:

Date:20th of August
Time:12 PST CP Time.

Sorry,for the quick post!I'm gonna try and invite some famous penguins over...Hope you can come and remember to come...and comment if your coming!

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Club Penguin 9# Field-Op

Hey Penguins!
It's been while since I didn't post so I came back.Ok,today came out the 9th Field-Op.It's not harder than others but they get harder I think.Lets see how to complete it!
1.First go to Command Room and accept the mission by clicking the big screen.
2.Then go to the Stadium.
3.Go to the cash register where you buy stuff.
4.Then you need to match the pattern to the pattern following down!
Well Done!You have another Field-Op done!
And guys nearly 500 followers on twitter!
Please get some people to follow clubpenguinsstcheats thanks!

Friday 6 August 2010

New Clothing In Club Penguin!!!

Hi penguins...

There is now a new catalouge out, ready for the mountain expedition!!!

Grab these really cool clothes now, so your all ready for the big hike...

~ Sloppzy

Thursday 5 August 2010

Club Penguin Times #251

Hey Penguins!
Today a new Club Penguin Times Issue came out!251!It is saying that new stamps will be added each month,this has something to do with the Puffle Rescue Stamps Bug I think.
You should do the crossword.An item for the Mountain Expedition is revealed there!!
Also new catalog comes today...the new items and hidden items shall be shown here.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Reviewed by you:Stamps

Hey Penguins!
I wasn't posting for long time and I'm extremely sorry...I was trying to earn all 99 stamps and I achieved.Ok,so there is a new Reviewed By You about Stamps today.Last week's question was..."What stamp would you like to be added"and by the way lets see what Chillycat12 said:

I think there should be a make a difference stamp! For this stamp you can either donate to the coins for change when it comes around or help work at the recycling center! I think this will help people notice how they can make such a difference just by working together! You can even make friends while your working together. But every times someone helps, it makes a difference!

Well,I think that would be great but unfortunately Club Penguin recently added Puffle Rescue Stamps.But they were taken back because of them not loading.Some kind of bug.Anyways,thats all for now...
Comment what you think.
Oh,and nearly forgot.This weeks question is...What Challenges do you think you will find on your way to the top?
Also look at those penguins gear.It looks like something new will be added to Penguin Style this Thursday...also the rubber duck should be coming back.I'm not pretty sure...

Thursday 29 July 2010

Stamp Collecting Party

Hey Penguins!
The stamps have already arrived so I want to help you get some of the stamps.So I organized a Stamp Collecting Party!See Details Below:
Date:31st of July
Place:Starting in my igloo(trying to get 30 penguins in)
Time:12 PST CP time.
I also might give out some membership codes after this and be sure to become a VIP!Just comment about this post and then let everyone know on twitter.
P.S.Any ideas about the Mountain Expedition?Think about it and comment!

Stamps Have Arrived!

Hey penguins..

Sorry i havnt been posting much latly as ive been so busy...

If you log onto CP you will see that you will have a new stamp album waiting to be filled with amazing stamps...
There seems to be a stamp for everything...
Theres stamps for games and even for famous penguins you meet...

One of the best bits about the album is that you can see all your pins you have collected...
I have 55 pins :)

Members can customize the front cover of the album with stamps....

What do you think of this awesome feature??????

Sloppzy (Sandano)

Thursday 22 July 2010

Author/Designer Contest

Hey Penguins!
Here is the Official ClubPenguinSSTCheats first contest.We are looking for another Author and a Designer for our blog.Yay!It could be you!So if you really want to be an Author or a Designer on ClubPenguinSSTCheats,then better read the steps below.

To be a Author:
1.First you need to be a follower of Tomasz777 on Twitter.It's Tomasz777CP.
2.Then you need to be a follower of this blog.
3.If you want to be an author you need to be on Club Penguin average of 1 hour a day.Or at least 30 minutes.
4.If you done all of these then you need to mail Tomasz777 at .
5.Then in the Mail you need to include your mail,name on Club Penguin,How long you've been playing Club Penguin,and about yourself on Club Penguin.
6.Then when you done all of this you can just hope you have a chance to win.

NOTE:The contest ends at 11:59 PST on 2nd of August.

To be an Designer.
1.First you need to be a follower of Tomasz777 on twitter.It's Tomasz777CP.
2.Then you need to be a follower of this blog.
3.If you want to be an designer you need to have skills of a designer.PhotoShop at least.Without PhotoShop your not qualified.
4.You need to mail Tomasz777 at .
5.Then in the Mail you need to include your mail,name on Club Penguin,How long you've been playing Club Penguin,and you need to send in an attachment showing one of your designs.Fake ones will be automatically disqualified.
6.Hope you can win.

NOTE:The contest ends at 11:59 PST on 3rd of August

Also the people will be mentioned on 4th of August who entered.

I wish you Good Luck and hope you win!

Reviewed By You

Hey Penguins!
As you may know last week on the Community Blog the question for Reviewed by you was..."What is your favorite roll in band".Well that's what 472Yellow said:
I personally like all of the positions, but i like playing the tuba. The tuba is so unique because it’s THE BIGGEST INSTRUMENT EVER! I also like rocking out with the tuba because all my friends laugh and pretend to throw tomatoes at me. Then, i have to run backstage with my big tuba. Then we take our instruments and go to the pizza parlor for candy pizza!
And this weeks question is..."What is your out of all pins favorite pin"
Well,what is it?

UnderWater Adventure

Hey Penguins!
Have you ever called of a play on stage,Underwater Adventure?Well,it came back!I wasn't at the times it was first out but this time I'm really excited.Lets look!

No hidden Items!
Ohhh!I want some hidden items.But never mind lets look at the catalog first page.
We know that costume from somewhere?Penguin Style!
So some of the stuff are from Penguin Style.Anyways hope you enjoyed seeing some mermaids.

New Club Penguin Times Issue #249

Hey Penguins!
The new Penguin Times Newspaper was released to day.Issue #249.Nearly #300.Anyways,it says about lots of cool things,the contents:

  • Stamps (A2-A5)
  • Music (A6-A7)
  • Jet Pack Adventure (B1-B4)
Upcoming Events:

  • New collectible pin – July 30th to August 12th.
  • New Penguin Styles Catalog – August 6th.
  • New Igloo Upgrade – August 20th
  • New Betters Igloo Catalog – August 20th

That's cool.The most exciting part is the Stamps coming.Is it your best part?Comment what is your best party of this weeks Penguin Times.

Wednesday 21 July 2010

New Stamps.

Hey Penguins!
Today on the Community Blog we had some more news on the Stamps coming on July 26th.Happy777 interviewed the expert.Lets see...
Q: How will I find my Stamp Book?

A: Just click on your player card. When you do, inside the book there are places for a whole bunch of stamps - and descriptions of how you can earn them.

Q: How do I earn Stamps?

A: Lots of different ways! There are easy stamps and extreme stamps, stamps you have to earn with buddies, and ones that you'll earn by showing off your skills in games. For example, to earn this stamp, you'll have to jackhammer at the 'berg with 10 penguins.

 Can I still get pins?

 Yep, you sure can! Pins aren't going to change. And the best part is you can show off your ENTIRE pin collection inside your Stamp Book.

I'm so excited..oh..This will be so great.I really would like to see it.The jackhammer on the 'berg might mean the Iceberg will tip eventually.Exciting...
Well that's all for now.

Tuesday 20 July 2010

New Features for Members!

Hey Penguins!
This time Billybob posted about some new features coming for members on community blog.Lets see the pictures.

And this includes:
Make music at the Lighthouse: Starting today musical instruments will be available in the Lighthouse all the time, because we love to see you guys jam!

Design your igloo: We know how creative you are with your igloos and we wanted to give you more. If you liked the T-shirt builder in Penguin Style, you're going to love the new Better Igloos catalog.

Spy Phone Updates: EPF Agents will face greater challenges to keep the island safe in August. You'll receive new Field-Op orders with more Spy Phone games to test your skills. Plus you'll be able to obtain brand new elite gear with your medals!

Earn Stamps: Stamps will be available for everyone, and we wanted to give members access to exclusive stamps and features. As a result, some of the harder levels in games will be made member only. The games that will be changing are Jet Pack Adventure, Catchin' Waves, Thin Ice, Astro Barrier and Aqua Grabber. Don't worry, everyone will still be able to play the first few levels.

Wow!This is soo cool.Now you see on the lighthouse catalog we already have it.So its this month still!I can't wait for stamps to come in.
Comment what you think!

New Lighthouse Catalog

Hey Penguins!
Today the new Lighthouse Catalog came out!YAY!It's so cool you should be ready to rock.To see it go inside the lighthouse and click the "Fireworks Card" at the bottom right.
This are the instruments:
  1. Red Electric Guitar(YER)
  2. Tuba(Loud)
  3. Blue Electric Bass(NEW ONE)
  4. Acoustic Guitar(Wooden)
  5. Drum Sticks(FAME)
  6. Snare Drum(GOOD)
Ok,this seem pretty good to me.But I hope they will be edited some time.

Monday 19 July 2010

Field Op #6 Cheats

Hey Penguins!
Today there is a new Field Op mission!YES!Another medal to be earned.Well,this week it's nearly the same but it seems abit harder for us.This time I found it all by myself here are the cheats!
1.Go to the Command Room.
2.Accept the Field Op Mission.
3.Head to the Mine.
4.Then the Recycling Center.
5.Go near the computer on the bottom right corner.
6.Then when your Spy Phone rings you open it and bypass the system.
Bybassing the system is the hardest.Then just receive your medal and you can choose to save it up,or use for some of the elite gear.

Sunday 18 July 2010


Hey Penguins!
It's the stamps the new feature!You will be able to collect them from July 26th and show off to your friends.I can't wait.This is the last picture...

And you'll get your own stamp book!I so can't wait...check this site for upcoming'll need teamwork to get them too.Have you heard about Club Penguin going educational,I wonder how.
Comment what you think.

Friday 16 July 2010

The new ClubPenguinSSTCheats BlogRoll

Hey Penguins!
Today I was thinking about what to add to this blog...and then I thought of a blogroll.But this blogroll will show ads.So if you want your banner of your blog follow the simple steps...

1)Follow Tomasz777 on Twitter.Click HERE to go to Tomasz777's Twitter Page
2)You need to follow this blog
3)You need to comment your blogs URL on this post
4)You need to like this blog

*NOTE:*You won't be chosen if you don't accomplish the steps above.*

You can see some already on the blogroll on the sidebar.
It might be yours!
So check every day!

Two New Features Revealed.

Hey Penguins!
Today there are TWO more "stamps" feature revealed.Look at it below.

A surfer?Do we know him from somewhere.Oh,we do from the advertisement in the newspaper.
And look at the top of newspaper you might see a patern.Also Rockhopper.All of that makes something from water.Lets Think.
Comment what you think.

Pandanda Party!!!!

Hey my party friends...

I am going to host a party....
On pandanda......

A BIG one...
Its going to be on loads of other blogs.....

Here are the times...

Saturday 17th July 2010
Purple Door
10:00am (Pandanda Time)
6:00pm (English time)

Please come to this party..
I will be a big one you will never forget...



Wednesday 14 July 2010

New Items in Backstage Catalog

Hey Penguins!
Today the new items came out in the Backstage Catalog.They are:

  • Double Necked Orange Guitar
  • Acousted Guitar
  • Tambourine.
Remember to check them out!

Better Igloos Cheats!

Hi Decorating Penguins!
Today there is a new Better Igloos Catalog!Which means it's time for cheats...oo.I'm not good at cheats at Better Igloos Catalog.So lets see if I done it right this time...comment if it's wrong,or you found something else.

Drum Kit:
1.Go to page 1.
2.Click on the DJ's table discs.

Quarter Note:
1.Go to page 1.
2.Click on the bottom speaker of the Wall Speaker.

Guitar Stand:
1.Go to page 2.
2.Click on the silver bottom left pannel,on disco ball.

1.Go to page 2.
2.Click on word "Disco".

Music Stand:
1.Go to page 2.
2.Click on one of the notes of eighth note.

1.Go to page 3.
2.Click on the tip of the clothes rack.

Mermaid Vanity:
1.Go to page 4.
2.Click on the rock ruins middle end which is not filled with a stone.

Bamboo Torch:
1.Go to page 4.
2.Click on the Pirate Ship's 2nd hole from the right end.

Ficus Plant:
1.Go to page 5.
2.Click on blue flower in the flower pot.

Poodle Plant:
1.Go to page 5.
2.Click on the middle leaf of the Potted Palm.

Snake Grass:
1.Go to page 6.
2.Click on the tip of the royal chair.

1.Go to page 6.
2.Click on the fish on the Medieval Banner

I like the new Better Igloos you?Comment what you think!

New Penguin Times Issue #248

Hi Penguins!
Today the new Penguin Times Issue came out!Yay!This time it talks all about Music Jam.Lets see the review...

Make More Music on the Island (A2-A3)

Your Own Music Jam (A4-A7)

Soccer (B1-B4)

Ask Aunt Arctic: A-Leash-Ya (B5-B7)

Upcoming Events (C5-C6)

And the upcoming events are...
Now: DJ3K Game Upgrades

July 19th: New Lighthouse Catalog

August 6th: New Penguin Style Catalog

August 20th: New Better Igloos Catalog

July 30th: New Pin

Cool!Have you found the new pin?I did and it's located in the Lodge Attic.Be sure to check it out!
And the Lighthouse Catalog looks quite exciting...make sure to check this site for the cheats!Thanks,

Tuesday 13 July 2010

New Reviewed By You:Dance Style

Hey Penguins!
It's wednesday...its....Reviewed By You!Last week on the Community Blog Billybob asked us "what is your favourite dance style"?Here is what Lawain said:

Well, i like to make my own dance style, and i cant do this without my friends, cuz they love to dance! We love to swing our hands in the air and sing along to our favorite songs! We also love to breakdance so that the crowd will be amazed! We also love to combine dances to see how many possibilities there are to dance! We love to boogie to the beat, stomp our feet, and have a little treat afterwards!

Well,that is cool.Now this is the new Reviewed By You.

When you’re in a band, what’s your favorite role to play? Are you lead singer? Backup dancer? Something unique

Comment on the Community Blog to win 10,000 coins.You might be the one...

New Sneak Peak...

Hey Penguins!
Today Billybob on the Community Blog, posted about the feature..the another sneak peak.If you didn't see the first one here it is...

Look like Klutzy.
That is the new one!

A penguin dancing.I suppose it's stamps or some sort of shields.I'm still with shields.Lol.Anyways,have ya met Cadence lately?Hope you did!Her new background is awesome!

Monday 12 July 2010

Series 9 Treasure Book Cheats,And everything new...

Hey Penguins!
Today it's a big day...Club Penguin realeased new treasure book called....Series 9!
I can't believe it...
Lets see the cheats.

White PomPoms:
1.Go to page 2.
2.Click on the beak of the cheerleader.

Gamma Gal Outfit:
1.Go to page 3.
2.Click on the beam of Shadow Guy.

Purple Amethyst Princess Outfit:
1.Go to page 4.
2.Click on the tip of the wizard's crystal stick.

Penguin Safari Costume:
1.Go to page 5
2.Click on the right Crab's eye.

You'll also find it on the Cheats Page now.

If you'll go to NightClub you'll find a new DJ3K discs...get them.

Also there is a new Field Op Mission.N.O. 5.
Here is the walkthrough...

Go to Command Room.Go to the Field-Op Station.Accept the Mission and go to Forest.There go next to the microphone and wait till your Spy Phone beeps,and turn green.Then open it and you have to destroy the circuits.Like:Square with Square,etc.Then you'll receive medal and you can use it on Elite Gear,or wait for something else.

Also that is all for this week.
Poppy888888 won't be on or posting...she's on holiday.

Sunday 11 July 2010

New Feature Coming!

Hey Penguins!!
Today Billybob posted about some "new feature" coming to Club Penguin land at the end of this month!Now if your really excited and still didn't see how the picture looks like,here it is! looks quite exciting doesn't it?
I wonder what it is...he gave us a hint’ll need to collect them. And there are A LOT of them.

A LOT?That might be another scanvager hunt,a shape one.It might be badges?By the ways,I might be going to Toys R Us today to buy some new Club Penguin Toys.If I do I will upload a video onto my channel and show you.If you can't see the picture just click HERE.
That's all my fellow penguins and if you really need help just comment about what.Thanks...

Friday 9 July 2010

New login screen + new postcards

Hey guyz! If you have been on Club Penguin lately you would of realised that there is a new login screen! The new login screen has a theme of the music jam! It even has a big gigantic stage in the backround and music balloons!

-New Postcards

There are also new awesome music jam postcards! All of them are to do with music. There is Band Practise, Watch my band play, Wanna join my band?, Your biggest fan and jam with me. They are still the normal price as the others ( 10 coins ).

Thursday 8 July 2010

Club Penguin Times Issue 247#

Hey Penguins!
Today Club Penguin Team released another Issue of Club Penguin Times...this time it builds up to Music Jam that starts tomorrow...
Here is its page...first one...

So on the next pages it shows lots of new instruments.Like Gold Double Based Guitar not green..thats pretty good.
I hope it will be a great Music Jam 10'.
Tomorrow will come all the trackers for it so please check it out.
P.S.If you go to Membership Page you might just spot the new Pass to background stage located behind Dock's Concert Stage.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Reviewed by you!

Hey Penguins!
Today the new Reviewed By You came out!Yay!And last week the question was..."What is your favourite instrument"
Rainexo said:
I love expressing my self through music! Whether it be playing the guitar or singing on a microphone, music makes me happy! Every penguin should have the amazing opportunity to play an instrument. Play away, penguins!
As everyone knows it's nearly Music Jam 10'.So get ready for the Party!It will have way more tons of...DANCE PLACES....INSTRUMENTS,and....The Club Penguin Band,DJ Cadence and Aunt Artic tracker on this blog!
So come back for the tracker later this week.
Oh...and by the way question of this week is..."What is your favorite dance style?"